Portal de Albudeite


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Albudeite News

detail of Albudeite
  • [Nueva incorporación de dos policías locales a la plantilla de Albudeite a través del Programa de Apoyo 2021-2025 de la Consejería de Transparencia (09/09/2021)

  • [Jesús García Martínez, nuevo alcalde de Albudeite (10/07/2021)

  • [El paseo fluvial de Albudeite se llamará ´Paseo de las personas desaparecidas´ para sensibilizar sobre los casos sin resolver (02/07/2021)

  • [Paseo de las Personas Desaparecidas (29/06/2021)

  • [Diez jóvenes en desempleo de Albudeite se forman en gestión administrativa con un programa del SEF (24/06/2021)

  • [El PSRM presenta en todos los ayuntamientos una moción para combatir el transfuguismo y regenerar las instituciones (17/04/2021)

  • [The Civil Guard detains an experienced criminal for nearly fifteen robberies in country houses (14/12/2020)

  • [Albudeite will have two more local police positions through the Regional Government's Program of aid to local policemen 2021-2025 of the regional government (09/12/2020)

  • Reverte: "After transferring my total disagreement about the change of the name of Paco Rabal to the House of Culture of Albudeite, the motion will be withdrawn" (07/12/2020)

  • Milana Bonita, stunned by the Albudeite City Council's position against Paco Rabal (07/12/2020)

  • Fire outbreak in a boulevard next to the urban area of ??Albudeite (19/11/2020)

  • The Civil Guard dismantles a drug sale point and intervened stolen old weapons and objects (30/10/2020)

  • The President of the CHS, Mario Urrea has met this morning with the mayor of Albudeite (29/10/2020)

  • Fire next to the Mula riverbed, in Albudeite (15/08/2020)

  • CEIS firefighters control an outbreak of fire declared on a boulevard in Albudeite (22/07/2020)

  • The Mayor of Alcantarilla, Joaquín Buendía, visits the headquarters of Disfrimur (16/07/2020)

  • Agricultural fire near Albudeite urban area (11/06/2020)

  • This Wednesday, presentation of the 90K Camino de la Cruz 2019 (17/09/2019)

  • The Vice President of the Government, Isabel Franco proclaimed the patron saint festivities of Albudeite (23/08/2019)

  • Plural Democracy denounces another example of mismanagement and misuse of public money (19/05/2019)

  • The Civil Guard dismantles a marijuana plantation in an industrial warehouse in Albudeite (09/05/2019)

  • Presentation by Jesús García as head of the PP list in Albudeite (03/05/2019)

  • The reduction of the IRPF proposed by Ciudadanos will benefit more than 5,000 residents of less populated municipalities (30/03/2019)

  • The president of the Community participates in the solidary march "La Noche de las Luciernagas" (24/03/2019)

  • The Civil Guard detained two people dedicated to robbing in Albudeite housing (14/03/2019)
    The alleged authorship of the crime of robbery with force is attributed to them
  • The PP promotes from the Assembly the promotion of the 'Night of the Luciérnagas' of Albudeite (06/03/2019)
    The commission of Education and Culture approves an initiative defended by the deputy, Miguel Cascales, that highlights the popular reception of this sport, cultural event and solidarity
  • The Community invests in Albudeite more than 300,000 euros in the improvement of infrastructures (15/02/2019)

  • The Community increases the security of the residents of Albudeite with the construction of a pedestrian walkway on the road that connects with the cemetery (01/02/2019)
    The Minister of Public Works inaugurates the works that include the construction of a rainwater evacuation system to avoid floods in episodes of heavy rains
  • El Majal Blanco is waiting for his appointment (01/01/2019)
    El Nutribán Sociedad Atlética Alcantarilla, in collaboration with the Sports Council of the Hon.
  • The Community promotes in Albudeite the creation of the main honey packaging company that will serve beekeepers in the Spanish southeast (12/11/2018)
    The regional government allocates more than 903,000 euros to 29 private projects of the Integral Local Action Group
  • Citizens promote school gardens in the region of the Mula River by distributing seeds in a dozen centers (24/10/2018)
    Councilors and members of the training will distribute cauliflower, beet and spined seeds in schools and institutes of Mula, Pliego and Albudeite
  • Valuations of Ferran Font, director of Estudios de pisos.com, on the ruling of the TS on the IAJD (18/10/2018)

  • Located in less than two hours an octogenarian disappeared in Albudeite (08/10/2018)
    After an extensive search device
  • The Civil Guard stops in Albudeite two people dedicated to the commission of robberies with force in rural areas (08/10/2018)
    They are attributed the presumed authorship of the crime of robbery with force
  • Albudeite Citizens request an expanded pediatric service for their health center (03/10/2018)

  • Promotion improves the safety of five sections of regional roads in Albudeite, Campos del Río and Mula (29/08/2018)

  • Antonio Tapia's'Intrusos' arrive in Albudeite with the Exhibition Space Plan (12/07/2018)
    The project of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture will allow this year to organize more than fifty exhibitions in thirty municipalities of the Region
  • The Community finances the care of 12 children at the Albudeite summer school (09/07/2018)

  • Citizens request explanations in Congress about the incidents with injured parties in Albudeite (25/05/2018)

  • The Civil Guard arrests one person and investigates another seven allegedly related to a tumultuous brawl (24/05/2018)
    Occurred last Sunday, day 20, in Albudeite
  • The Youth Council of Albudeite launches the Campaign "San Isidro, without macho attitudes" (08/05/2018)

  • Citizens Albudeite demands that the local police stations be covered to reinforce the security of the municipality (08/05/2018)
    The formation considers inadmissible that only one of the four police vacancies is covered
  • The Municipality of Albudeite and Judoc University of Murcia negotiate a collaboration agreement to train young people in the municipality. (17/02/2018)

  • President Fernando López Miras receives the mayor of Albudeite (26/01/2018)

  • More than 88,000 euros in public aid for the rehabilitation of 24 homes in Albudeite (18/12/2017)
    Director General Laura Sandoval explains to neighbors that the deadline to request a subsidy to improve the status, accessibility and energy efficiency of homes concludes the January 16
  • Citizens present their local group of Albudeite (16/12/2017)
    The orange formation vindicates the settlement and the valorisation of the center for the elderly and the use of the Mula River as a focus of tourist attraction
  • The Civil Guard detains the alleged perpetrator of the theft of nearly two tons of citrus on farms in the Mula River region (05/09/2017)

  • Agriculture allocates more than 700,000 euros to improve eight rural roads in the Region (09/08/2017)
    The director general of Agricultural Funds and Rural Development has visited the works on the Road of Viñas de Albudeite
  • Agriculture starts work on repairing and improving the Vineyard Trail in Albudeite (27/07/2017)
    With a budget of 43,500 euros, 63% cofinanced by the Feader
  • Agriculture starts work on refurbishment and improvement of the Albudeite wastewater pumping station (19/07/2017)
    The works will allow to divert the waters of the industrial estate of the locality to the Wastewater Station of Campos del Río

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