Portal de Albudeite


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detail of Albudeite


The President of the CHS, Mario Urrea has met this morning with the mayor of Albudeite (29/10/2020)

October 29, 2020 This morning, the president of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, Mario Urrea, met telematically with the mayor of Albudeite, José Luis Casales to discuss issues of municipal interest, especially the status of the processing of the report on the Progress of the Partial Plan ZR-1 Serreta Sector, and the cleaning of the Mula River and the boulevards that run through its municipal area. The president informs the Mayor that on October 21, the aforementioned Advance has been reported, so that it may continue with its administrative processing. It has also been reported that in the development of this approach, a hydrological study will be necessary to update the information in relation to possible increases in runoff due to urbanization. Finally, you have been informed that the Fluvial Nursery will examine the state in which the aforementioned channels are located, since we are in a time when conservation and maintenance actions must be prioritized, first attending to where a greater risk is foreseeable Of Damage. 

Source: CHS

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